Silentnight Luxury Heated Throw: A Comprehensive Overview – By EMMA HAM

The Silentnight Luxury Heated Throw is a premium product designed to provide warmth and comfort during colder months. Here’s a detailed write-up based on the information from the Silentnight website:emma

Key Features

  • Heated Fleece Material: The throw is made of a heated fleece material, offering ultimate luxury and a super soft feel.
  • Ultra-Fast Heat Up: It heats up quickly, ensuring you don’t have to wait long to enjoy its warmth.
  • Three Heat Settings: The throw features three different heat settings, allowing users to find their ideal temperature for maximum comfort.
  • Overheat Safety Protection: Safety is a priority with this product, as it comes with overheat protection for peace of mind.
  • Machine Washable: The throw is designed to be machine washable, making it easy to keep fresh and clean.

Design and Comfort

  • Soft Fleece for Extra Cosiness: The soft fleece material provides an extra layer of cosiness, enhancing the relaxation experience.
  • Energy Efficient: The throw is energy-efficient, making it a practical choice for regular use.
  • Dimensions: It measures 120cm in width and 160cm in length, making it a suitable size for individual use or sharing.

Price and Availability

  • Cost: The Silentnight Luxury Heated Throw is priced at £45.00.
  • Purchase Options: It is available for purchase directly from the Silentnight website, with options for payment in 30 days without any additional fees.

Additional Information

  • Safe Usage Recommendations: While the throw has safety features, sleep experts recommend turning off the appliance before falling asleep to regulate core temperature and ensure a less disturbed sleep.
  • Ideal for Winter: This product is particularly suitable for cold winter nights, providing warmth and comfort.


The Silentnight Luxury Heated Throw is a high-quality, luxurious product that combines comfort, safety, and convenience. Its fast heating, multiple settings, and machine washability make it an excellent choice for those seeking a cozy and safe way to stay warm during colder seasons.

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