Are TEMPUR Mattresses Eco-friendly?

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Hey there! Ever wondered if your TEMPUR mattress is eco-friendly? Well, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll explore the intriguing question of whether these popular mattresses are environmentally friendly or not. So, if you’re curious about the impact of your cosy sleep haven on Mother Earth, stick around to find out all the details!

Materials used in TEMPUR mattresses

Memory foam

TEMPUR mattresses are made using a unique type of foam called memory foam. This material was originally developed by NASA in the 1960s to improve seat cushioning for astronauts. Memory foam is known for its ability to contour to the shape of your body, providing personalised support and pressure relief. It is also highly durable and resistant to sagging, ensuring that your mattress remains comfortable and supportive for many years.

Polyurethane foam

In addition to memory foam, TEMPUR mattresses also contain layers of polyurethane foam. This foam provides added cushioning and support, enhancing the overall comfort of the mattress. Polyurethane foam is a common material used in mattresses due to its affordability and versatility. It is known for its resilience, allowing it to bounce back to its original shape after being compressed.

Support foam

To ensure proper support, TEMPUR mattresses also include a layer of support foam. This foam is specifically designed to provide stability and prevent excessive sinking. It enhances the overall structural integrity of the mattress, helping to maintain its shape and prevent the development of body impressions over time.

Cover materials

The cover of TEMPUR mattresses is typically made of a blend of polyester and other fabrics. These materials are chosen for their durability and breathability, allowing air to circulate through the mattress and regulating temperature. The cover is also removable and washable, making it easy to keep your mattress clean and fresh.

Sustainability practices of TEMPUR

Environmental policy

TEMPUR has a strong commitment to environmental sustainability and has implemented a comprehensive environmental policy. This policy outlines the company’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices throughout its operations.

Usage of recycled materials

TEMPUR strives to minimise the use of virgin materials in its mattresses by incorporating recycled materials into its production processes. The company works closely with suppliers to source recycled materials whenever possible, reducing the demand for new raw materials and decreasing the strain on natural resources.

Reduction of waste

TEMPUR is dedicated to reducing waste generation throughout all stages of the manufacturing process. The company implements various waste reduction strategies, such as optimising production processes to minimise scrap and implementing recycling programmes to ensure that materials are properly disposed of or repurposed.

Energy-efficient manufacturing

TEMPUR continuously invests in energy-efficient technologies and practices to reduce its carbon footprint. The company has implemented energy-saving measures in its manufacturing facilities, such as the use of energy-efficient equipment, smart lighting systems, and improved insulation. These efforts help minimise energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Chemical management

TEMPUR places a strong emphasis on responsible chemical management to ensure the safety of its products and minimise potential environmental impacts. The company adheres to stringent regulations and standards, carefully selecting and monitoring the chemicals used in its mattresses to minimise the use of harmful substances. TEMPUR also actively seeks alternatives to chemicals that may be harmful to human health or the environment.


To demonstrate its commitment to sustainability, TEMPUR has obtained various certifications and labels that validate its environmentally-friendly practices. Some of the certifications TEMPUR has achieved include OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, CertiPUR-US®, and Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). These certifications provide consumers with reassurance that TEMPUR mattresses meet rigorous standards for environmental sustainability and product safety.

Life cycle assessment of TEMPUR mattresses

Extraction and processing of raw materials

The life cycle of a TEMPUR mattress begins with the extraction and processing of raw materials. The production of memory foam and polyurethane foam requires the use of certain chemicals and energy. TEMPUR strives to source materials from suppliers who prioritise sustainability and minimise the environmental impact of their extraction and manufacturing processes.

Production and manufacturing

During the production and manufacturing phase, TEMPUR focuses on implementing energy-efficient practices and minimising waste generation. The company has invested in state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that employ advanced technologies to optimise
energy consumption and reduce emissions. Additionally, TEMPUR continuously seeks ways to improve its production processes and reduce the environmental footprint of its operations.

Distribution and transportation

Once the mattresses are manufactured, they are distributed to various retailers and customers. TEMPUR works closely with its logistics partners to optimise
transportation routes and reduce fuel consumption. The company also minimises package waste by using efficient packaging methods and materials that are recyclable or made from recycled content.

Usage phase

The usage phase of a TEMPUR mattress is where the product’s longevity and durability come into play. TEMPUR mattresses are designed to provide long-lasting comfort and support, which helps prevent the need for frequent replacements. By investing in a high-quality mattress that maintains its shape and resilience over time, you can reduce the overall environmental impact of mattress consumption.

Disposal and end of life

When a TEMPUR mattress reaches the end of its life cycle, proper disposal is important for minimising environmental impact. TEMPUR encourages consumers to dispose of their mattresses responsibly by exploring recycling options or donating them to charitable organisations. Additionally, TEMPUR is continuously researching and investing in innovative recycling technologies to find ways to repurpose old mattresses and minimise landfill waste.

Comparison to traditional mattresses

Use of natural resources

Compared to traditional mattresses, TEMPUR mattresses generally require fewer natural resources to produce. The use of recycled and sustainable materials helps reduce the demand for new raw materials, conserve natural resources and minimise environmental impact.

Chemical content

Traditional mattresses often contain a wide range of chemicals, including flame retardants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In contrast, TEMPUR mattresses strive to minimise the use of potentially harmful chemicals and are certified to meet rigorous safety standards. This reduced chemical content promotes a healthier indoor environment and minimises potential negative impacts on human health and the environment.

Waste generation

Traditional mattresses can contribute to significant waste generation, as many are not designed with end-of-life considerations in mind. TEMPUR mattresses, on the other hand, prioritise waste reduction through efficient manufacturing processes and the use of recycled materials. Additionally, TEMPUR actively explores recycling options and repurposing initiatives to minimise waste and promote a circular economy.

Durability and lifespan

TEMPUR mattresses are known for their exceptional durability and long lifespan. The high-quality materials used in TEMPUR mattresses, combined with their innovative design, result in mattresses that retain their shape and resilience for many years. This longevity reduces the need for frequent mattress replacements, ultimately reducing overall waste production and environmental impact.

Carbon footprint

The carbon footprint of TEMPUR mattresses is generally lower compared to traditional mattresses. TEMPUR’s focus on energy-efficient manufacturing processes, use of recycled materials, and reduced waste generation all contribute to a lower carbon footprint. By choosing a TEMPUR mattress, you are making a more environmentally friendly choice without compromising on comfort and support.

Potential environmental concerns

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

One potential environmental concern associated with certain mattresses, including some traditional models, is the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are chemicals that can be released into the air and contribute to indoor air pollution. However, TEMPUR mattresses are designed to minimise the release of VOCs, and the company actively seeks to use safer materials and manufacturing processes to maintain a healthier indoor environment.


Off-gassing refers to the release of chemical fumes or odours from a mattress, often caused by the breakdown of certain chemicals used in the manufacturing process. TEMPUR mattresses are known for having minimal off-gassing, particularly when compared to traditional mattresses. This is due to TEMPUR’s focus on using safer materials and adhering to strict regulations and certifications that ensure low emissions.

Disposal challenges

Disposing of mattresses can pose environmental challenges, as they often end up in landfills, where they take up valuable space and contribute to waste accumulation. However, TEMPUR actively explores recycling and repurposing initiatives to reduce the disposal challenges associated with mattresses. By partnering with recycling facilities, TEMPUR aims to find new ways to give old mattresses a second life and minimise their environmental impact.


Steps to reduce environmental impact

Proper waste disposal

When disposing of your TEMPUR mattress, it is important to explore proper waste disposal methods. Check with local waste management authorities or recycling facilities to see if they accept mattresses for recycling. This allows the mattress to be repurposed or recycled, minimising waste sent to landfills.

Donating or recycling mattresses

Consider donating your TEMPUR mattress if it is still in good condition and can be used by someone else. Many charitable organisations accept mattress donations and provide them to individuals or families in need. Additionally, some mattress manufacturers, including TEMPUR, are exploring innovative recycling technologies to repurpose old mattresses and minimise waste.

Choosing certified products

When purchasing any mattress, including TEMPUR mattresses, look for certifications that demonstrate the product meets rigorous environmental and safety standards. Certifications such as OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, CertiPUR-US®, and Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) can provide reassurance that you are choosing a mattress that has been manufactured with eco-friendly practices and materials.

Customer reviews and feedback

Positive reviews

Customers who have purchased TEMPUR mattresses often praise the comfort, support, and durability of the product. Many users comment on how well TEMPUR mattresses conform to their bodies, providing relief from pressure points and promoting a good night’s sleep. The long lifespan of TEMPUR mattresses is also frequently mentioned, with customers appreciating the value and quality of their investment.

Negative reviews

While TEMPUR mattresses generally receive positive reviews, some customers have expressed concerns about the initial off-gassing odour that may be present after unpacking a new mattress. However, most customers report that the odour dissipates quickly within a few days. Some users also mention that TEMPUR mattresses can be heavier and more difficult to move compared to traditional mattresses, which could be a potential drawback for those who frequently need to rearrange their sleeping arrangements.

TEMPUR’s commitment to sustainability

Ongoing research and development

TEMPUR is committed to ongoing research and development to further improve the sustainability of its products. The company invests in the development of new materials, manufacturing processes, and recycling technologies to reduce its environmental impact continuously. By staying at the forefront of innovation, TEMPUR aims to provide customers with even more eco-friendly mattress options in the future.

Partnerships with environmental organisations

TEMPUR actively engages in partnerships with environmental organisations and collaborates with experts in the field to ensure its sustainability practices are robust and effective. By working with these organisations, TEMPUR seeks guidance and stays informed about the latest scientific advancements and industry best practices for environmental sustainability.

Transparent communication

TEMPUR believes in transparent communication with its customers and stakeholders. The company openly provides information about its sustainability practices, materials used, and certifications obtained. By being transparent about its processes, TEMPUR allows customers to make informed decisions and understand the environmental impact of their mattress choices.

Future goals and initiatives

TEMPUR is continuously setting new goals and implementing initiatives to further improve its sustainability performance. The company aims to increase the use of recycled materials in its mattresses, reduce energy consumption, and explore alternative materials that have an even lower environmental impact. TEMPUR’s commitment to innovation and continuous improvement showcases its dedication to sustainability.

Recommendations for conscious consumers

Consider your priorities

When choosing a mattress, it is essential to consider your personal priorities. Determine what aspects of sustainability are most important to you, whether it’s the use of recycled materials, reduced chemical content, or waste reduction. By being clear about your priorities, you can better align your purchase decision with your values.

Research and compare brands

Take the time to research and compare different mattress brands to find the one that aligns with your sustainability goals. Look for brands that are transparent about their environmental practices, use certified materials, and actively invest in reducing their environmental impact. Reading customer reviews and seeking expert recommendations can also provide valuable insights.

Look for certifications

Certifications such as OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, CertiPUR-US®, and Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) can serve as reliable indicators of a mattress’s environmental and safety performance. These certifications validate that the mattress has been tested for harmful substances, meets stringent standards, and promotes eco-friendly manufacturing practices. Prioritise mattresses with recognised certifications to ensure you are choosing a sustainable option.


TEMPUR mattresses offer a combination of comfort, support, and sustainability. Utilising memory foam, polyurethane foam, and support foam, TEMPUR mattresses provide personalised support and pressure relief while minimising the use of harmful chemicals. TEMPUR’s sustainability practices, such as the usage of recycled materials, reduction of waste, and energy-efficient manufacturing, further demonstrate its commitment to environmental responsibility. By choosing a TEMPUR mattress, you are making a conscious choice to support a brand that prioritises sustainability and continuously strives to minimise its environmental impact.

Picture of Emma Ham - Researcher

Emma Ham - Researcher

Hi i'm Emma Ham, the creative force behind BedSava’s captivating content. At 39 years old, I bring a wealth of experience and passion that infuse my writing with a unique depth. Beyond my role as a content generator, I am a devoted mother, a traveller with a love for warm destinations, and a true animal lover.


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The Brands we work with

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